The best
The best
Hand job
Very nice selection, easy to download, I am using it for online cards also.
Cool wallpapers!?
Its very good soft! Bravissimo
This isnt even in ENGLISH, how am I suppose to have an app that I dont even know what it is talking about?! Im deleting as soon as Im done writing this review!
Very ?
Its the best
This is amazing ????Here you can find any wallpaper, absolutely for every taste, they can match your style, taste, mood☺️? Developer of this program, many thanks???❤️❤️
Good, very good.
Nice and very convenient app. I recommend it to everyone. Thanks u developers
This app doesnt work at all. On startup I get a error message and a black screen (the ad-banner works fine). In addition: why a app in Russian language in the German AppStore? Please fix this or remove it from the German AppStore.
The Best
Doesnt appear to run on my iOS7 phone. Classy splash screen, though!